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1080 Wien,Josefstadt , Laudongasse

Type of property: Investment
Property number 76099
Purchase price € 5.900.000,00
Space 1.456,00 m2
Purchase price € 5.900.000,00
Nebenkostenübersicht Kauf, Verkauf, Baurecht
Built in 1886
Property number 76099
Condition modernised
Area 1.456,00 m2
Living space 1.072,00 m2
Site area 440,00 m2
Office space 180,00 m2
Energy class / Heating requirements
166,00 kWh per m2
fGEE-Klasse / fGEE-Wert

Please note that there is a close familial or economic relationship between the broker and the client.

The agent acts as a double broker.


Thomas Stix
Contact partner Thomas Stix +43 1 5127690-304
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